How Much Daily Protein to Build Muscle? Some Important Facts Worth Knowing

It is very common to hear discussions on a regular basis in the gym on how much protein an individual needs for building muscle. This is an interesting subject as the needs can vary from person to person depending on their goals and the exercise programme they follow. Let us take a look in this article at some of the basic fundamentals of protein intake.

5 Lb Whey Protein

First of all it is worth noting that protein does play an essential part in any ones diet. Its main function is to provide your body what it needs to both repair and maintain cells. To build muscle though and repair tissue after an intense workout you will need more than the average person.

5 Lb Whey Protein

A good rule of thumb is to consume on a daily basis 1 gramme of protein per pound of your own body weight. Plus there are different forms of protein that the body assimilates and absorbs differently, lets take a look at those:

# Whey isolate - 7 - 11 grams approx per hour
# Casein protein - 5 -7 grams approx per hour
# Egg protein - 1- 2 grams approx per hour

"How much do I need to eat?" This is a common question and why using protein shakes and supplements will help you break down your food intake to 5 - 6 times per day for maximum muscle growth results.

For an even more accurate estimate not all of your body weight needs protein. Fat certainly doesn't so its not a good idea to feed it. Doing a calculation without taking into account your fat stores can result in too much protein, which means too many calories and you'll get a fat layer over your muscles.

To get the best results from your protein intake you should be training with weights intensely at least 3 x per week. Consistency is the key as well in both your workouts and protein intake. If you struggle during the course of a working day to get your protein from chicken, fish, meat and eggs etc then adding a couple of good quality whey protein shakes will enable you to reach your daily intake comfortably.

Going back to the original question "How much daily protein to build muscle?" I hope we have covered some basics for you. Are you serious about building some rock hard, solid, quality muscle? Click here now to get some expert advice on how to feed your muscles correctly.

How Much Daily Protein to Build Muscle? Some Important Facts Worth Knowing
5 Lb Whey Protein

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