Reducing Body Fat and Increasing Lean Muscle Mass Through Nutrition and Exercise

All athletes are constantly monitoring their bodies. You want to know if you are eating enough or maybe you worry you are eating too much. Are you taking the right supplements? Should you even be taking supplements? These are all questions that concern anyone interested in developing their body for peak performance.

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Reducing Body Fat

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Fat might as well be a four letter word for most of us. Every workout show on television focuses on body fat percentage and how to reduce this percentage. Fortunately body fat can be reduced through diet and exercise.

A well balanced diet will keep you from ingesting too many fatty foods. It will encourage you to focus instead on foods and food groups that that help burn fat. Green leafy vegetables, peppers, and certain fruits are natural fat burners. They can be added at every meal to help reduce body fat naturally.

Exercise is also a great way to reduce fat. Aerobic exercises speed up your metabolism which in turn helps your body process and eliminate foods faster. With a higher metabolism your body will use what it needs and get rid of the rest before it finds a permanent place on your body.

Muscle Building and Fat

If your goal in reducing fat is to also build up lean muscle mass you will not focus so much on eliminating fats but on transforming fats into muscle mass. Proteins are an important part of any diet but many people avoid them because they feel they only add to unpleasant weight gain.

If you are losing weight but trying to build muscle mass you must increase your protein intake. Proteins, once ingested, break down into amino acids. With a good exercise regimen you can use these amino acids to build up muscle mass and strength. Body builders will even find that they require protein supplements to get the amount of muscle mass they want.


There are many different types of supplements to help reduce body fat and help turn fat into muscle mass. Protein supplements containing whey, creatine monohydrate, and glutamine are the most popular body building supplements on the market today. These supplements work with your natural healthy diet to give you the nourishment you need to achieve results.

Supplements can be added to the diet in several different ways. Protein bars are a great way to get some instant protein. Protein shakes made form protein powders and whey powders are also useful before and during your workouts.

If you have been trying to reduce body fat without any luck you may want to evaluate your diet and exercise program. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet that includes all food groups. If you are leaving out a certain food group your body may be adapting in unpleasant ways.

Evaluate your exercise program by discussing your goals with a trainer. A trainer may see areas where you can improve your program for better results. You can also discuss supplement use with your trainer. Many supplements add to your workouts and help you burn fat at a higher rate.

Reducing Body Fat and Increasing Lean Muscle Mass Through Nutrition and Exercise
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